One of the most important parts of your OdeCloud journey as an independent consultant is the time tracking. The time your record in OdeCloud is used to generate invoices for you and invoices we are sending to our clients. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you keep accurate timesheets and ensure that they are complete by the end of the month.

Only then can we guarantee on-time payments.

There are a few ways how you can enter your time in OdeCloud, to make sure that time tracking becomes an integral part of your consultant routine.

  1. You manage your tasks in OdeTask and you add your time daily
    1. Help Center
    2. Video Tutorial
    3. Live Timer
  2. You manage your tasks in OdeTask and you upload your time weekly or monthly
    1. Help Center
    2. Video Tutorial
  3. You use a different tool for managing your tasks, your tasks are not in OdeCloud
    1. Help Center
    2. Video Tutorial
  4. You track most of the time spent in Google Calendar
    1. Help Center
    2. Video Tutorial


  1. I work on a retainer, do I still have to track my time? Yes! While we’re not billing the client or pay you based on the hours worked, the time entered in OdeCloud is an important part of the reporting we provide to the client. Furthermore, we are keeping track of your hours to adjust the monthly hours up or down if needed.
  2. By when do I have to have all my time entered into the OdeCloud Time Tracker? By the end of the month, before the 1st of the following month is the best time to have all your time details in so we can invoice clients on time and make sure you receive timely payments.
  3. At the end of each month, do I need to send an invoice with the total hours? Yes, at the end of the month, please send an invoice with the total number of hours worked per client. If you have one client, one invoice would be sufficient. If you are engaged on 3 clients, then 3 individual invoices will need to be submitted. Please be sure to reference the client name on the invoices for timely processing.
  4. What if my hours on the time tracker don’t match the invoice? If there is a variance on the hours entered in the time tracker and those submitted on your invoice, then this may result in a potential delay in payments while we look into the cause behind the variance. Any overages that are not communicated in advance will need to be investigated before payment is issued for the invoice.