

OdeTask allows you to manage your clients and projects. For each client & project you can plan and track your work by creating tasks, estimating the time it will take to complete them, organize them with attributes and tags, add comments, notes and attachments and assign them to yourself or other users. You can track the time you spent on the task in various ways. Learn more about that in our Time Tracker section.

Task List

When you navigate to OdeTask, the default view is the Task List. You will see all tasks associated with the clients & projects you have access to. The list includes only tasks that are in an “Ongoing” state i.e., their Activity does not equal “Done”. Select a specific client or project to see only tasks associated with them. Once a client is selected, the Project drop down will show all projects for this client, excluding archived projects

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On this page, you can make in-line changes to the Activity, Tags, Subtasks, Priority and Assigned To (all user columns) and the Due Date (all date columns) just by clicking on the current value to open a drop down or calendar picker for dates.

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A click on the Title opens the task drawer on the Comments tab. It will automatically scroll to the latest comment and allow you to reply right away.

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An icon with a checkmark in the Subtasks column indicates that subtasks exist for this task. Clicking on the icon column opens the drawer on the Subtasks tab. You can also navigate between the tabs in the drawer.

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The Time column shows Total time tracked for task/Estimated time. A click on the value opens the drawer on the Time tab with immediate access to add and manage your time entries for this task.

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You can sort the table by “Task Title” (requires at least one filter),“Task Key”, “Created” & “Assigned to” columns and add/remove columns and move them to another location with a click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the table. Currently, we have these columns available and we allow you to select seven at a time: