OdeTask offers three different roles to manage access to client &. project information, tasks and time entries. Roles are assigned when a user is added to a project and can give users access to the client and all projects (Admin) or restrict access to individual projects (Manager & Individual Contributor).
The three main user roles are:
- Admin - (this role needs to be assigned by a member of OdeCloud staff)
- Can view and update client details and all projects of that client
- Can create new projects for their clients
- Can add and manage users with Manager & Individual Contributor role
- View and manage all tasks of their clients
- View and manage al time entries for their clients (future: can bulk upload time records for other users)
- Manager
- Can view client details
- Can view & update project details for all projects they are a Manager in
- Can create projects for their clients
- Can add and manage users with Individual Contributor role
- Can view and manage all tasks in their projects
- Can view and manage all time entries for their projects
- Individual Contributor
- Can view project details
- Can view and update all tasks in their projects, can delete tasks they created themselves
- Can view and manage their time records
- Cannot add users to projects or assign roles
- Cannot create clients & projects
Assign roles to a user (Admin & Manager)
Add Members (Admin & Manager)
While adding a new member to a project, the Admin can assign Manager or Individual Contributor roles. Admin can make changes to existing team members with Manager or Individual Contributor roles.
Mangers will see the same UI with the limitation that they will only be able to add & edit Individual Contributors.

Removing Members from Projects
When a user is no longer active on a project, Admins and Managers have two options:
- Delete the user from the project. This will remove the user’s access and the user will disappear from all drop downs on tasks, search or time tracking. This is recommended when removing a user that did not actively work on tasks or tracked their time. Just open the ellipsis and select “Delete”.

- Remove access. This will remove the user’s role and their access. The user will still show up in drop downs for filtering if needed. E.g., to troubleshoot any questions regarding time tracking. NOTE: even if you delete the user from the project, their tasks and time entries will stay intact, but you won’t be able to filter by the user.