
OdeSocial is community for consultants, freelancers and networkers to share their knowledge and learn from others, ask questions, attend and offer events, find jobs and other opportunities to generate income, connect with one another, collaborate with their teams, invite new members and create and manage their profile to reflect their expertise and availability to potential clients.


OdeSocial Feed

A social network for posting and reading others’ posts about various topics. Stay up to date on the latest developments in your area of interest, post pictures of a meet-up with other OdeCloud members around the world or collaborate with your team in private channels.

OdeSocial Channels


Public Channels

These channels are system generated. Every now and then we will add additional channels, such as #Salesforce, #SAP, etc. recently. Posts and comments in these channels can be created and seen by all users. Monitor #Bulletin for regular OdeCloud product updates.


You can bookmark posts you liked to read later or add to a collection of useful information. Just click the icon in the lower right of

Private channels Private channels are accessible by invitation only. Every user can create additional channels and add users from their network to them. No other users can see or join those channels.


Channel Settings Add members (Private Channels only), Pin any channel to show up under Favorites or Leave a channel.


OdeSocial Search

Use the search bar to search for posts by any word or hashtag and users by first and/or last name.