OdeCloud Ranks

A rank is a level assigned to a user based on their activity on OdeCloud. The rank is and will be used in various ways, such as calculating your hourly rate, helping clients to hire the best person for a project, unlocking OdeCloud benefits and promoting your profile throughout the platform.

For all ranks except Legendary, you have 6 months to complete a minimum required challenges and contribution points to maintain your current level, otherwise they will move back to the prior rank. For Legendary rank, the period is 12 months.

Graph: How Ranks Relate to Compensation


Screenshot 2025-03-17 at 12.59.06 PM.png

Every new user who has not yet completed enough challenges for a rank is assigned the Newcomer tag. If you see a user with this rank, feel free to welcome them to OdeCloud!

Challenges that you need to complete to achieve the Explorer rank


🧭 You reached the Explorer rank!

📢  You can now set your OdeProfile to public on our Marketing website, visible to our hiring team and potential clients.

🏗️ OdeCloud will now get to work finding gigs for you that match your skills and preferences, at an hourly rate of $110! 💸 At 40 hrs/week and a period of 6 weeks between projects, this reflects a gross earning potential of over $200,000.

Challenges you need to complete to achieve the Rising Star rank